Home > Movies > Harakiri


September 27, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Seppuku /Harakiri is a Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. It is the “Honorable” way to die.

Being my first actual entry into this blog. I was in a dilemma regarding which movie would be my first review.
Myself being an outsider to the Japanese culture who is ignorant to most of their practices. Prior to watching the film. I was rather intrigued with the concept of Harakiri and what significance it holds in the Japanese culture.

When anyone mentions Japanese movies to the outside world(sans Japan). People Think Kurosawa .
Harakiri is directed by Masaki Kobayashi another prodigy from the Japanese Film scene.

In The Late 17th Century The message of peace was spread across Japan leading to the Breaking of The Numerous warrior Clans in Japan.

The Samurai  were members of the Japanese military class who were warriors.When peace broke out in Japan . The Samurai were not needed anymore as there were no more battles for them to fight.
The Samurai lives with the principle “Honor Before everything” .
so any other profession apart from fighting was degrading to the Samurai class. They rather would Die honorably than live as a peasant.

The Movie Starts off with The Protagonist Hanshiro Tsugomo played By Tatsuya Nakadai making an appearance to a Clan House Requesting to perform seppuku within the Premises.
The Lord of the clan Being Notorious for keeping his word warns Hanshrio regarding the consequences of not coming seppuku once committed to do so By Narrating an incident which occurred before.
The Movie is packed with Tense closeups and Brilliant action scenes which keep you wanting for more.

Tatsuya Nakadai who has been cast in Numerous Kuroswava movies does a commendable job in Playing the role.

Hanshiro Tsugumo playing his part as a Father a Grandfather and an Honorable Samurai.

One of my favorite part of the Film was the scene involving Hanshiro’s scion being forced into dismembering himself by the clansmen. Although this seems a bit gory , It speaks a lot about the Directors vision and his understanding of the Samurai Culture.

Not to mention the fantastic climax which will put you through the nail biting experience of your life.

One word to describe the Movie after watching it, “Underrated”.


Categories: Movies
  1. sid
    September 28, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Great stuff bro…liked the style…cant wait for more 🙂

    • September 28, 2010 at 8:45 pm

      Thanks a lot.
      Will try my best to keep up to the expectations 🙂

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